Timeline Date Period

Details below for the selected date period.



Country: Ireland

Country: Germany

Country: England

Railway Company: Southern Railway

Country: England

Railway Company: London Underground

Person: Ernest Lemon

Country: UK

Railway Company: London, Midland & Scottish Railway

Country: England

Railway Company: Great Western

Famous Loco: Treganna Castle

Country: England

Railway Company: Southern Railway

Person: Harry Beck

Country: England

Railway Company: London Underground

Country: England

Railway Company: London, Midland & Scottish Railway

Famous Loco: Princess Royal

Country: England

Railway Company: London, Midland & Scottish Railway

Famous Loco: Coronation Scot

Country: UK

Railway Company: London, Midland & Scottish Railway

Country: France

Railway Company: SNCF (Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français)

Country: England

Railway Company: London & North Eastern Railway

Railway Works: Doncaster

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