We are a voluntary organisation so we give our time for free and use our own personal equipment to support WATTRAIN. We are always looking for people to help us, to expand what we can do and spread the message of WATTRAIN to the world.
Currently we only have a very small staff and that limits what we can do. So that is where you come in, volunteer with us and help us build WATTRAIN in the world organisation for Heritage Tourist Trams and Trains the world needs.
Although WATTRAIN is based in the UK we are world organisation so we are particularly looking for people from outside the UK, and people who have a working knowledge of English or Spanish who can translate our output into their local language.
But we need people to help so if you are UK based and would like to volunteer then please do contact us. The more the merrier!
As we have to keep costs down we use Skype and email extensively rather than face to face meetings so if you have some IT skills that will help. We are unable to pay expenses at the moment so please remember that when volunteering.
If you volunteer please be clear with us from the start on your experience and your training needs. The directors are busy people and we will just let you get on with things unless you tell us from the start what support and training you need.