Privacy Policy


Our members are extremely important to the World Alliance of Tourist Trams and Trains, hereafter referred to as the WATTRAIN, being a company registered in England and Wales and limited by guarantee, Registered No. 07230367

We are investing in our member’s relations by providing a Website, Newsletters, and consultancy to build a tourist tram and train community we can be proud of, and part of.

We want to ensure you receive the right balance of information from us, and which most importantly suits you, the member.

The new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) come into force in May 2018 and our privacy statement explains how we will collect, store, manage and protect your data. It also outlines the types of data that we hold and how we use it to provide services to our members. We want to ensure we are using your data sensibly and appropriately so that all of our activities, whether it’s an invoice or a newsletter, are done as effectively as possible with your best interests at heart, and this privacy statement outlines our commitment to you.

Who we are and what we do

The member organisations representatives support WATTRAIN in providing a worldwide network of like-minded organisations. In order to do this we have a database that contains personal data collected by WATTRAIN from the member organisations. As part of our work we process and store personal information relating to our members staff, volunteers and friends in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. We take our responsibilities under this act and the GDPR 2018 seriously and ensure the personal information we obtain is stored, used, transferred and processed accordingly.

The data we hold

We maintain a record of all current paid up members and past members who have had a financial transaction with us during the past seven years.

The data we store and process may include:

  • name, title

  • contact details – postal address, email address, phone number and links to social media accounts

  • records of membership fees paid

  • records of communications sent to you by us or received from you

  • Information on your engagement in meetings, events, groups and networks

  • information relating to your organisation’s bank details for payment of accounts

We do not store any credit/debit card details.

How we use your data

Unless you have requested otherwise, we will use your data to support relevant and appropriate member’s engagement and activities. These include the following communication and marketing activities, which may be sent by mail, email, telephone and social media:

  • sending WATTRAIN publications

  • notification of WATTRAIN events

  • promotion of services

  • promotion of volunteers for WATTRAIN

WATTRAIN may use third-party partners to support the activities described above. If you interact with us through a third party (for example, supporting WATTRAIN through Eventbright) then we may obtain information from them, but only if you have given them your explicit consent. The receipt of data by WATTRAIN in this manner is subject to the third party’s own privacy policy and the data obtained is bound by the terms of the privacy statement as soon as it is received by us.

We may use tools to help us monitor and improve the effectiveness of WATTRAIN’s communications with you, including tracking whether the emails we send are opened and which links are clicked within a message. We may monitor visits to our website and use tools such as Google Analytics to improve our website and services.

Protecting your data

We are committed to holding your data securely and treating it with sensitivity. All data is held securely in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Your data is held on a database hosted on secure private PCs, under the control of the membership secretary for WATTRAIN membership, and a secure server by the Newsletter Editor. A third party facility called Sage One accounting, is also used to assist with administration, access to the Sage database is limited to the treasurer and membership secretary.  We will not disclose your data to individuals, organisations or other entities outside of WATTRAIN, unless we are required to do so by law or order of a court.

We do not sell to or trade data with any other organisations

Although most of the information we store and process stays within the UK, some information may be transferred to other countries in an encrypted form as a secure backup facility. We may also hold data for individuals who are outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) and where these countries do not have similar data protection laws to the UK, we will ensure we provide an adequate level of protection in accordance with UK data protection law.

Your rights

We consider our relationship with members to be long term and we will use your details until you cease to be a member, or for none members until you tell us you no longer wish to hear from us. We will always try to ensure that the data we hold for you is up to date, reasonable and not excessive. You will always have the right to:

  • request a copy of the data we hold about you

  • update or amend the information we hold about you

  • change your communication preference at any time

  • ask us to remove your personal information from our records (excluding information WATTRAIN  is legally obliged to retain)

  • object to the processing of your information for any of the purposes outlined above, including opting out of all communications from us. (excluding communications WATTRAIN would be legally obliged to send)

From time to time we may use your information for new purposes not currently described in this statement. If our information practices change some time in the future, we will ways publish our policy changes on the WATTRAIN website.

Produced February 2018